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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь - corner


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   1. noun  1) угол, уголок to cut off a corner - срезать угол, пойти напрямик - round the corner - turn the corner  2) кант  3) закоулок, потайной уголок done in a corner - сделано исподтишка, потихоньку  4) часть, район the four corners of the earth - четыре страны света  5) неловкое положение; затруднение to drive into a corner - загнать в угол, припереть к стене  6) econ. скупка монополистами товара со спекулятивными целями  7) sport корнер, угловой удар hole and corner transactions - тайные махинации  2. v.  1) usu past part. снабжать углами  2) загонять в угол, в тупик; припереть к стене  3) завернуть за угол  4) скупать товары со спекулятивными целями - corner the market CORNER the market овладеть рынком, скупая товары ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. угол, уголок in the corner of the room —- в углу комнаты at the corner of the street —- на углу улицы round the corner —- за углом; совсем близко; скоро, близко to turn the corner —- завернуть за угол to cut off a corner —- срезать угол, пойти напрямик to cut corners —- срезать углы four corners —- перекресток to watch smb. out of the corner of one's eyes —- следить за кем-л. уголком глаза; наблюдать за кем-л. украдкой 2. спец. угол corner of dive —- ав. угол пикирования 3. мат. угловая точка кривой 4. закоулок, потайной уголок murky corners —- темные углы, тайные убежища done in a corner —- сделанный втихомолку in a quiet corner —- в укромном уголке to find a corner to work in —- найти уголок, где можно было бы спокойно работать 5. часть, район the four corners of the earth —- четыре страны света 6. спорт. угол поля; угловой удар; удар с угла 7. спорт. угол ринга; секундант; сторонник, болельщик it will give him confidence to have somebody in his corner —- сознание, что кто-то за него болеет, придаст ему уверенности 8. эк. преимущественное право или монополия 9. бирж. корнер (спекулятивная скупка акций и товаров) to make a corner in wheat —- создать корнер на пшеницу 10. поворот tight corner —- крутой поворот to negotiate the corner —- совершать поворот; вписаться в поворот Id: tight corner —- затруднительное или опасное положение Id: to...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. угол, уголок 2) общ. закоулок, потайной уголок 3) общ. часть, район, область, край 4) эк. преимущественное право, монополия на что-л. 5) общ. поворот 6) общ. неловкое положение, затруднение 7) бирж., торг. корнер а) (спекулятивная скупка акций) б) (группа биржевых спекулянтов, скупающих акции) в) (действия группы лиц, направленные на получение контроля над ценами путем скупки определенного товара в больших объемах) See: cornering the market 8) мат. угол, вершина (напр., треугольника) 9) мат. угловая точка (кривой) 10) мат., иссл. опер. = corner point 2. гл. 1) общ. расставить по углам (что-л.) 2) общ. оформлять углы (помещения, комнаты) 3) общ. загонять в угол; припереть к стенке (поставить кого-л. в неудобное, тяжелое положение) 4) общ. повернуть (о транспортном средстве) 5) общ. соединяться, образуя угол (о заборах, оградах, улицах и т. п.) 6) эк. спекулировать (скупать товар со спекулятивными целями) 7) бирж. создать корнер* (путем манипуляции ценами) 8) эк. = "corner a market CORNER I сущ. 1) общ. угол, уголок 2) общ. закоулок, потайной уголок 3) общ. часть, район, область, край 4) эк. преимущественное право, монополия на что-либо 5) общ. поворот 6) общ. неловкое положение, затруднение 7) бирж.,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  (режущий) уголок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  поворот (дороги) start of the corner — авто вход в поворот to load in a corner — авто входить в поворот to tuck into the corner — авто входить в поворот, вписываться в поворот - slow corner ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  уголковый изгиб (волновода) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  угол; уголок геод.точка пересечения двух или более линий пересечение улиц ребро re-entrant corner superelevated corner ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) угол(ок) 2) землемерный знак; землемерный центр 3) вершина (резца) 4) уголковый изгиб (волновода) 5) уголок (переплётной крышки) 6) поворот (дороги) to negotiate a corner — обходить (инструментом) угол (детали) - bucket cutting corner - chamfered corner - grouser cutoff corner - grouser rounded corner - mitering corners - photographic corners - photo corners - sprocket tooth corner ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a place where converging sides or edges meet. 2 a projecting angle, esp. where two streets meet. 3 the internal space or recess formed by the meeting of two sides, esp. of a room. 4 a difficult position, esp. one from which there is no escape (driven into a corner). 5 a secluded or remote place. 6 a region or quarter, esp. a remote one (from the four corners of the earth). 7 the action or result of buying or controlling the whole available stock of a commodity, thereby dominating the market. 8 Boxing & Wrestling a an angle of the ring, esp. one where a contestant rests between rounds. b a contestant's supporters offering assistance at the corner between rounds. 9 Football & Hockey a free kick or hit from a corner of the pitch after the ball has been kicked over the goal-line by a defending player. 10 a triangular cut of gammon or ham. --v. 1 tr. force (a person or animal) into a difficult or inescapable position. 2 tr. a establish a corner in (a commodity). b dominate (dealers or the market) in this way. 3 intr. (esp. of or in a vehicle) go round a corner. Phrases and idioms corner shop a small local shop, esp. at a street corner. just round (or around) the corner colloq. very near, imminent. Etymology: ME f. AF ult. f. L cornu horn ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~e, from corne horn  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the point where converging lines, edges, or sides meet ; angle  b. the place of intersection of two streets or roads  c. a piece designed to form, mark, or protect a ~  2. the angular part or space between meeting lines, edges, or borders near the vertex of the angle the southwest ~ of the state the ~s of the tablecloth: as  a. the area of a playing field or court near the intersection of the sideline and the goal line or baseline  b.  (1) either of the four angles of a boxing ring; especially the area in which a boxer rests or is worked on by his seconds during periods between rounds  (2) a group of supporters, well-wishers, or adherents associated especially with a contestant  c. the side of home plate nearest to or farthest from a batter a fast ball over the outside ~  d. ~ kick  e.  (1) the outside of a football formation  (2) ~back  3.  a. a private, secret, or remote place a quiet ~ of New England to every ~ of the earth dark ~s of the mind  b. a difficult or embarrassing situation ; a position from which escape or retreat is difficult or impossible was backed into a ~  4. control or ownership of enough of the available supply of a commodity or security especially to permit manipulation of the price  5. a point at which significant change occurs — often used in the phrase turn the ~  • ~ed adjective  II. adjective  Date: 13th century  1. situated at a ~ the ~ drugstore  2. used or fitted for use in or on a ~ a ~ table  III. verb  Date: 1824  transitive verb  1.  a. to drive into a ~ the animal is dangerous when ~ed  b. to catch and hold the attention of especially to force an interview  2. to get a ~ on ~ the market  intransitive verb  1. to meet or converge at a ~ or angle  2. to turn a ~ the car ~s well ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (corners, cornering, cornered) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A corner is a point or an area where two or more edges, sides, or surfaces of something join. He saw the corner of a magazine sticking out from under the blanket... Write ‘By Airmail’ in the top left hand corner. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. The corner of a room, box, or similar space is the area inside it where its edges or walls meet. ...a card table in the corner of the living room... The ball hurtled into the far corner of the net... Finally I spotted it, in a dark corner over by the piano. N-COUNT 3. The corner of your mouth or eye is the side of it. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that a car had stopped. N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N of n 4. The corner of a street is the place where one of its sides ends as it joins another street. We can’t have police officers on every corner... He waited until the man had turned a corner. N-COUNT: usu with supp 5. A corner is a bend in a road. ...a sharp corner... = bend N-COUNT 6. In football, hockey, and some other sports, a corner is a free shot or kick taken from the corner of the pitch. N-COUNT 7. If you corner a person or animal, you force them into a place they cannot escape from. A police motor-cycle chased his car twelve miles, and cornered him near Rome... He was still sitting huddled like a cornered animal. VERB: V n, V-ed 8. If you corner someone, you force them to speak to you when they have been trying to avoid you. Golan managed to corner the young producer-director for an interview. VERB: V n 9. If a company or place corners an area of trade, they gain control over it so that no one else can have any success in that area. (BUSINESS) This restaurant has cornered the Madrid market for specialist paellas... = monopolize VERB: V n 10. If a car, or the person driving it, corners in a particular way, the car goes round bends in roads in this way. Peter drove jerkily, cornering too fast and...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »WHERE TWO LINES/EDGES MEET« the point at which two lines or edges meet  (He pulled a dirty handkerchief out by its corner and waved it at me. | in/on the corner)  (Write your name in the top left-hand corner of the page. | three-cornered/four-cornered etc)  (a three-cornered hat) 2 »ROADS« (countable often singular) a) the point where two roads meet  (on/at the corner)  (He stopped at the corner of 5th and Main to buy a newspaper.) b) a point in a road where it turns sharply  (I think the gas station should be just around the next corner.) 3 »CORNER OF A ROOM/BOX« (countable often singular) the place inside a room or box where two walls or sides meet  (in/at the corner)  (Jim and his cousin sat in the corner talking about people back home.) 4 »MOUTH« the corners of your mouth are the sides of your mouth  (A small smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.) 5 »DIFFICULT SITUATION« a difficult situation that is difficult to escape from  (force sb into a corner)  (The president is likely to be forced into a corner over his latest plans for welfare spending. | tight corner (=very difficult situation)) 6 »SPORT« a) a kick in soccer that one team is allowed to take from one of the corners of their opponent's end of the field b) any of the four corners of the area in which the competitors fight in boxing or wrestling 7 »DISTANT PLACE« a distant place in another part of the world + of  (She's gone off to do voluntary work in some remote corner of the world. | the four corners of the Earth/world (=all the distant places in the world))  (People came from the four corners of the world to see this spectacle.) 8 see sth out of the corner of your eye to notice something accidentally, without turning your head towards it or looking for it  (Out of the corner of her eye she saw the dog running towards her.) 9 just around the corner likely to happen soon  (Economic recovery is just around the corner.) 10 turn a corner to start to improve  (She's been ill for a long time, but the doctors think she's turned a...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1280, from O.Fr. corniere, from corne "horn, corner," from V.L. *corna, from L. cornua, pl. of cornu "projecting point, end, horn." Replaced O.E. hyrne. To corner, as in a race, is 1860s; to corner someone is Amer.Eng. 1820s. Commercial sense is from 1857. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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